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We would like to share your contact details (phone number and email address) with the airline operator(s), so they would be able to contact you in the event of an operational disruption (such as a flight delay or cancelation).


Full version:

If you provide consent, your phone number and email address will be entered into the Passenger Name Record (PNR) in compliance with the resolutions governing reservation procedures, specifically the Special Service Requests (SSRs), published by AIRIMP under Resolution 766. You can find further information here:

If you do not provide consent, your phone number and email address will not be shared with the airline operator(s). In such case, please be aware that you will not receive information relating to flight cancelation or schedule changes (including a delay of departure). We are, however, still obliged to share all necessary information, such as passport details, with the airline operator(s) in order to book your flight(s).